Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Range

Kyle and I joined a few friends at the range for some intense shooting practice and home invasion drills.  We had a collection of over 10 different weapons,  target posters and our own private strip protected by tall, sandy berms.

I received basic gun training and learned some new armory terminology.  For example, did you know that a "magazine" isn't just  light reading material?  It's also the cartridge box of a firearm.  Additionally, don't assume that you're pleasing to the eyes if someone calls you "hot."  Hot can describe a  shooter with a loaded gun that's ready for fire.  

At the end of the day, I was still no marksman, but I did manage to hit the target poster where I was aiming...  for the most part.  Also, I dominated the number one gun rule by not shooting myself, not even once.  Therefore, victory was mine! 
I'm on their side.

Kyle said I had the Tomb Raider look down.